
class euporie.core.widgets.dialog.Label(text: AnyFormattedText, style: str = '', width: AnyDimension = None, dont_extend_height: bool = True, dont_extend_width: bool = False, align: WindowAlign | Callable[[], WindowAlign] = WindowAlign.LEFT, wrap_lines: FilterOrBool = True)

Widget that displays the given text. It is not editable or focusable.

  • text – Text to display. Can be multiline. All value types accepted by prompt_toolkit.layout.FormattedTextControl are allowed, including a callable.

  • style – A style string.

  • width – When given, use this width, rather than calculating it from the text size.

  • dont_extend_width – When True, don’t take up more width than preferred, i.e. the length of the longest line of the text, or value of width parameter, if given. True by default

  • dont_extend_height – When True, don’t take up more width than the preferred height, i.e. the number of lines of the text. False by default.