
Define a cell object with input are and rich outputs, and related objects.



Add a command to the centralized command system.

add_setting(name, default, help_, description)

Register a new config item.


Get the current active (running) Application.

get_lexer_by_name(_alias, **options)

Return an instance of a Lexer subclass that has alias in its aliases list.


Enable when this buffer has the focus.


Test whether value is True.

load_registered_bindings(*names[, config])

Assign key-bindings to commands based on a dictionary.


Merge multiple Keybinding objects together.


Update the key-binding registry.


Return a filter which indicates if a window is scrollable.


Accept both booleans and Filters as input and turn it into a Filter.



Append the auto suggestion to the current line of the input.


Base class for auto suggestion implementations.

BeforeInput(text[, style])

Insert text before the input.

Buffer([completer, auto_suggest, history, ...])

The core data structure that holds the text and cursor position of the current input line and implements all text manipulations on top of it.

BufferControl([buffer, input_processors, ...])

Control for visualizing the content of a Buffer.


Base class for completer implementations.


Turn any callable into a Filter.

ConditionalAutoSuggestAsync(auto_suggest, filter)

Auto suggest that can be turned on and of according to a certain condition.

ConditionalContainer(content, filter)

Wrapper around any other container that can change the visibility.

ConditionalMargin(margin, filter)

Wrapper around other Margin classes to show/hide them.

ConditionalProcessor(processor, filter)

Processor that applies another processor, according to a certain condition. Example::.


alias of Dimension

DiagnosticProcessor(report[, style])

Highlight diagnostics.


When we're in Vi block insert mode, display all the cursors.

Document([text, cursor_position, selection])

This is a immutable class around the text and cursor position, and contains methods for querying this data, e.g.


Validator class that can dynamically returns any Validator.


Completer class that can dynamically returns any Completer.


Lexer class that can dynamically returns any Lexer.


Validator class that can dynamically returns any Validator.


Highlight the search terms that are used for highlighting the incremental search.

HighlightMatchingBracketProcessor([chars, ...])

When the cursor is on or right after a bracket, it highlights the matching bracket.


Processor that highlights the selection in the document.

KernelInput(kernel_tab[, text, multiline, ...])

Kernel input text areas.

MarginContainer(margin, target)

A container which renders a stand-alone margin.

NumberedMargin([diagnostics, show_diagnostics])

Margin that displays the line numbers of a Window.


A margin which indicates lines extending beyond the edge of the window.

PagerState(code, cursor_pos, data)

A named tuple which describes the state of a pager.


Processor that masks the input.


Manipulate the fragments for a given line in a BufferControl.

PygmentsLexer(pygments_lexer_cls[, ...])

Lexer that calls a pygments lexer.


Class for storing a diagnostic report.

ScrollOffsets([top, bottom, left, right])

Scroll offsets for the Window class.

ScrollbarMargin([display_arrows, ...])

Margin displaying a scrollbar.

SearchToolbar([search_buffer, vi_mode, ...])

param vi_mode:

Display '/' and '?' instead of I-search.

ShowTrailingWhiteSpaceProcessor([char, style])

Make trailing whitespace visible.


Lexer that doesn't do any tokenizing and returns the whole input as one token.


A widget to accept kernel input.

TabsProcessor([tabstop, char1, char2, style])

Render tabs as spaces (instead of ^I) or make them visible (for instance, by replacing them with dots.)

TextArea([text, multiline, password, lexer, ...])

A simple input field.

VSplit(children[, window_too_small, align, ...])

Several layouts, one stacked left/right of the other.


Abstract base class for an input validator.

Window([content, width, height, z_index, ...])

Container that holds a control.



Raised if one of the lookup functions didn't find a matching class.

class euporie.core.widgets.inputs.KernelInput(kernel_tab: KernelTab, text: str = '', multiline: FilterOrBool = True, password: FilterOrBool = False, lexer: Lexer | None = None, auto_suggest: AutoSuggest | None = None, completer: Completer | None = None, complete_while_typing: FilterOrBool = True, validator: Validator | None = None, accept_handler: BufferAcceptHandler | None = None, history: History | None = None, focusable: FilterOrBool = True, focus_on_click: FilterOrBool = True, wrap_lines: FilterOrBool = False, read_only: FilterOrBool = False, width: AnyDimension = None, height: AnyDimension = None, dont_extend_height: FilterOrBool = False, dont_extend_width: FilterOrBool = False, line_numbers: bool = False, get_line_prefix: GetLinePrefixCallable | None = None, scrollbar: FilterOrBool = True, style: str = 'class:kernel-input', search_field: SearchToolbar | None = None, preview_search: FilterOrBool = False, prompt: AnyFormattedText = '', input_processors: list[Processor] | None = None, name: str = '', left_margins: Sequence[Margin] | None = None, right_margins: Sequence[Margin] | None = None, on_text_changed: Callable[[Buffer], None] | None = None, on_cursor_position_changed: Callable[[Buffer], None] | None = None, tempfile_suffix: str | Callable[[], str] = '', key_bindings: KeyBindingsBase | None = None, enable_history_search: FilterOrBool = False, autosuggest_while_typing: FilterOrBool = True, validate_while_typing: FilterOrBool = False, scroll_offsets: ScrollOffsets | None = None, formatters: list[Formatter] | None = None, language: str | Callable[[], str] | None = None, diagnostics: Report | Callable[[], Report] | None = None, inspector: Inspector | None = None, show_diagnostics: FilterOrBool = True)

Bases: TextArea

Kernel input text areas.

A customized text area for the cell input.

property accept_handler: Optional[Callable[[Buffer], bool]]

The accept handler. Called when the user accepts the input.

property current_diagnostic_message: StyleAndTextTuples

Format the currently selected diagnostic message.

property diagnostics: Report

The current diagnostics report.

property document: Document

The Buffer document (text + cursor position).

async inspect(auto: bool = False) None

Get contextual help for the current cursor position in the current cell.

property language: str

The current language of the text in the input box.

reformat() None

Reformat the cell’s input.

property text: str

The Buffer text.

class euporie.core.widgets.inputs.StdInput(kernel_tab: KernelTab)

Bases: object

A widget to accept kernel input.

accept(buffer: Buffer) bool

Send the input to the kernel and hide the input box.

get_input(prompt: str = 'Please enter a value: ', password: bool = False) None

Prompt the user for input and sends the result to the kernel.