
Contain a HTML to formatted text parser.


NamedTuple(typename[, fields])

Typed version of namedtuple.

add_border(ft[, width, style, border_grid, ...])

Add a border around formatted text.

align(ft[, how, width, style, placeholder, ...])

Align formatted text at a given width.


Write fragments tagged with "[ReverseOverwrite]" over text to their left.

apply_style(ft, style)

Apply a style to formatted text.

bisect_right(a, x[, lo, hi, key])

Return the index where to insert item x in list a, assuming a is sorted.

cast(typ, val)

Cast a value to a type.

ceil(x, /)

Return the ceiling of x as an Integral.

compute_padding(cell[, render_count])

Compute a cell's padding.

concat(ft_a, ft_b[, baseline_a, baseline_b, ...])

Concatenate two blocks of formatted text, aligning at a given baseline.

css_dimension(value[, vertical, available])

Convert CSS dimensions to terminal cell sizes.

data_pixel_size(data, format_[, fg, bg])

Get the dimensions of an image.

eq(a, b, /)

Same as a == b.

fragment_list_to_words(fragments[, sep])

Split formatted text into a list of word fragments which form words.


Return the character width of this text fragment list.

ge(a, b, /)

Same as a >= b.


Get the current active (running) Application.



Extract a hex color from a string.

get_format(path[, default])

Attempt to guess the format of a path.


Extract the first integer from a string.


Create or return the conversion IO loop.

gt(a, b, /)

Same as a > b.


Join a list of lines of formatted text.


Retrieve the last character of formatted text.

le(a, b, /)

Same as a <= b.


Evaluate an expression node or a string containing only a Python expression.

lru_cache([maxsize, typed])

Least-recently-used cache decorator.

lt(a, b, /)

Same as a < b.

match_css_selector(selector, attrs, pseudo, ...)

Determine if a CSS selector matches a particular element.


Calculate the length of the longest line in formatted text.

pad(ft[, width, char, style])

Fill space at the end of lines.


Convert CSS declarations into the internals style representation.

parse_media_condition(condition, dom)

Convert media rules to conditions.

parse_style_sheet(css_str, dom[, condition])

Collect all CSS styles from style tags.

paste(ft_top, ft_bottom[, row, col, transparent])

Pate formatted text on top of other formatted text.

pixels_to_cell_size([px, py])

Get the cell width and aspect ration of a pixel dimension.


Calculate the specificity score of a CSS selector.


Take a single list of (style_str, text) tuples and yield one such list for each line.

strip(ft[, left, right, chars, only_unstyled])

Strip whitespace (or a given character) from the ends of formatted text.

truncate(ft, width[, style, placeholder, ...])

Truncate all lines at a given length.

try_eval(value[, default])

Attempt to cast a string to a python type.

url_to_fs(url, **kwargs)

Turn fully-qualified and potentially chained URL into filesystem instance

urljoin(base, url[, allow_fragments])

Join a base URL and a possibly relative URL to form an absolute interpretation of the latter.


Cell([text, row, col, colspan, rowspan, ...])

A table cell.


Turn any callable into a Filter.

CssSelector([comb, item, attr, pseudo])

A named tuple to hold CSS selector data.


An HTML parser.

DiBool([top, right, bottom, left])

A tuple of four bools with directions.

DiInt([top, right, bottom, left])

A tuple of four integers with directions.

DiLineStyle([top, right, bottom, left])

A description of a cell border: a LineStyle for each edge.

DiStr([top, right, bottom, left])

A tuple of four strings with directions.

Dimension([min, max, weight, preferred])

Specified dimension (width/height) of a user control or window.

Direction([x, y])

A description of a direction.

Event(sender[, handler])

Simple event to which event handlers can be attached. For instance::.

FormattedTextAlign(value[, names, module, ...])

Alignment of formatted text.

GridStyle(line_style, mask)

A collection of characters which can be used to draw a grid.

HTML(markup[, base, width, height, ...])

A HTML formatted text renderer.

HTMLParser(*[, convert_charrefs])

Find tags and other markup and call handler functions.


A Mapping is a generic container for associating key/value pairs.

Node(dom, name, parent[, text, attrs, contents])

Represent an node in the DOM.

Size(rows, columns)

Table([rows, cols, width, expand, align, ...])

A table.

Theme(element, parent_theme[, ...])

The computed theme of an element.

UPath(*args, **kwargs)



partial(func, *args, **keywords) - new function with partial application of the given arguments and keywords.


zip_longest(iter1 [,iter2 [...]], [fillvalue=None]) --> zip_longest object

class euporie.core.ft.html.CssSelector(comb: str | None = None, item: str | None = None, attr: str | None = None, pseudo: str | None = None)

Bases: NamedTuple

A named tuple to hold CSS selector data.

attr: str | None

Alias for field number 2

comb: str | None

Alias for field number 0

count(value, /)

Return number of occurrences of value.

index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)

Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

item: str | None

Alias for field number 1

pseudo: str | None

Alias for field number 3

class euporie.core.ft.html.CustomHTMLParser(dom: euporie.core.ft.html.HTML)

Bases: html.parser.HTMLParser

An HTML parser.

CDATA_CONTENT_ELEMENTS = ('script', 'style')
autoclose() None

Automatically close void elements.


Handle any buffered data.

curr: euporie.core.ft.html.Node

Feed data to the parser.

Call this as often as you want, with as little or as much text as you want (may include ‘n’).


Return full source of start tag: ‘<…>’.


Return current line number and offset.

handle_data(data: str) None

Create data (text) elements.

handle_endtag(tag: str) None

Handle end tags: close the currently opened element.

handle_startendtag(tag, attrs)
handle_starttag(tag: str, attrs: list[tuple[str, str | None]]) None

Open a new element.

parse(markup: str) euporie.core.ft.html.Node

Pare HTML markup.

parse_bogus_comment(i, report=1)
parse_comment(i, report=1)
parse_marked_section(i, report=1)

Reset this instance. Loses all unprocessed data.

soup: euporie.core.ft.html.Node
updatepos(i, j)
class euporie.core.ft.html.Direction(x: bool = False, y: bool = False)

Bases: NamedTuple

A description of a direction.

count(value, /)

Return number of occurrences of value.

index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)

Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

x: bool

Alias for field number 0

y: bool

Alias for field number 1

class euporie.core.ft.html.HTML(markup: str, base: Path | str | None = None, width: int | None = None, height: int | None = None, collapse_root_margin: bool = False, fill: bool = True, css: CssSelectors | None = None, browser_css: CssSelectors | None = None, mouse_handler: Callable[[Node, MouseEvent], NotImplementedOrNone] | None = None, paste_fixed: bool = True, on_update: Callable[[HTML], None] | None = None, _initial_format: str = '')

Bases: object

A HTML formatted text renderer.

Accepts a HTML string and renders it at a given width.

async format_element(ft: StyleAndTextTuples, element: Node, left: int = 0, fill: bool = True, align_content: bool = True) StyleAndTextTuples

Format an element’s content based on its theme.

async load_assets() None

Load CSS styles and image resources.

Do not touch element’s themes!

property parser: euporie.core.ft.html.CustomHTMLParser

Load the HTML parser.

render(width: int | None, height: int | None) StyleAndTextTuples

Render the current markup at a given size.

async render_details_content(element: Node, left: int = 0, fill: bool = True, align_content: bool = True) StyleAndTextTuples

Render details, showing summary at the top and hiding contents if closed.

async render_element(element: Node, available_width: int, available_height: int, left: int = 0, fill: bool = True, align_content: bool = True) StyleAndTextTuples

Render a Node.

async render_grid_content(element: Node, left: int = 0, fill: bool = True, align_content: bool = True) StyleAndTextTuples

Render a element with display set to grid.

  • element – The list of parsed elements to render

  • left – The position on the current line at which to render the output - used to indent subsequent lines when rendering inline blocks like images

  • fill – Whether to fill the remainder of the rendered space with whitespace

  • align_content – Whether to align the element’s content


Formatted text

async render_img_content(element: Node, left: int = 0, fill: bool = True, align_content: bool = True) StyleAndTextTuples

Render an image’s content.

async render_input_content(element: Node, left: int = 0, fill: bool = True, align_content: bool = True) StyleAndTextTuples

Render an input element.

async render_list_item_content(element: Node, left: int = 0, fill: bool = True, align_content: bool = True) StyleAndTextTuples

Render a list item.

async render_node_content(element: Node, left: int = 0, fill: bool = True, align_content: bool = True) StyleAndTextTuples

Generate flows for the contents of the element.

async render_ol_content(element: Node, left: int = 0, fill: bool = True, align_content: bool = True) StyleAndTextTuples

Render lists, adding item numbers to child <li> elements.

async render_svg_content(element: Node, left: int = 0, fill: bool = True, align_content: bool = True) StyleAndTextTuples

Display images rendered as ANSI art.

async render_table_content(element: Node, left: int = 0, fill: bool = True, align_content: bool = True) StyleAndTextTuples

Render a HTML table element.

  • element – The list of parsed elements to render

  • left – The position on the current line at which to render the output - used to indent subsequent lines when rendering inline blocks like images

  • fill – Whether to fill the remainder of the rendered space with whitespace

  • align_content – Whether to align the element’s content


Formatted text

async render_text_content(element: Node, left: int = 0, fill: bool = True, align_content: bool = True) StyleAndTextTuples

Render a text element.

  • element – The page element to render

  • left – The position on the current line at which to render the output - used to indent subsequent lines when rendering inline blocks like images

  • fill – Whether to fill the remainder of the rendered space with whitespace

  • align_content – Whether to align the element’s content


Formatted text

async render_ul_content(element: Node, left: int = 0, fill: bool = True, align_content: bool = True) StyleAndTextTuples

Render lists, adding item numbers to child <li> elements.

property soup: euporie.core.ft.html.Node

Parse the markup.

class euporie.core.ft.html.Node(dom: euporie.core.ft.html.HTML, name: str, parent: euporie.core.ft.html.Node | None, text: str = '', attrs: list[tuple[str, str | None]] | None = None, contents: list[euporie.core.ft.html.Node] | None = None)

Bases: object

Represent an node in the DOM.

property child_elements: Generator[Node, None, None]

Yield all of the child element nodes.

property descendents: Generator[Node, None, None]

Yield all descendent elements.

find_all(tag: str, recursive: bool = False) Iterator[Node]

Find all child elements of a given tag type.

property first_child_element: euporie.core.ft.html.Node | None

Return the first child element.

property is_first_child_element: bool

True if the element if the first child element of its parent element.

property is_first_child_node: bool

True if the element if the first child node of its parent element.

property is_last_child_element: bool

True if the element if the last child element of its parent element.

property is_last_child_node: bool

True if the element if the last child node of its parent element.

property last_child_element: euporie.core.ft.html.Node | None

Return the last child element.

property next_element: euporie.core.ft.html.Node | None

Return the next sibling element.

property next_node: euporie.core.ft.html.Node | None

Return the next sibling node.

property next_node_in_flow: euporie.core.ft.html.Node | None

Get the next node in the current element’s flow.

property parents: list[euporie.core.ft.html.Node]

Yield all parent elements.

property preceding_text: str

Return the text preceding this element.

property prev_element: euporie.core.ft.html.Node | None

Return the previous sibling element.

property prev_node: euporie.core.ft.html.Node | None

Return the previous sibling node.

property prev_node_in_flow: euporie.core.ft.html.Node | None

Get the previous node in the current element’s flow.

property renderable_contents: list[euporie.core.ft.html.Node]

List the node’s contents including ‘::before’ and ‘::after’ elements.

property renderable_descendents: Generator[Node, None, None]

Yield descendents, including pseudo and skipping inline elements.

property sibling_element_index: int | None

Return the index of this element among its siblings.

property sibling_flow_index: int | None

Return the index of this element among its siblings.

property text: str

Get the element’s computed text.

theme: Theme
class euporie.core.ft.html.Theme(element: euporie.core.ft.html.Node, parent_theme: euporie.core.ft.html.Theme | None, available_width: int = 0, available_height: int = 0)


The computed theme of an element.

property anchors: euporie.core.data_structures.DiBool

Which position directions are set.

property attributes_theme: dict[str, str]

Calculate the theme defined by (depreciated) HTML attributes.

property background_color: str

Get the computed theme background color.

property base_margin: euporie.core.data_structures.DiInt

Calculate the margin box.

property block_align: euporie.core.ft.utils.FormattedTextAlign

Determine if the left and right margins are set to auto.

property border_collapse: bool

Determine if the border is collapsed.

property border_grid: euporie.core.border.GridStyle

Calculate a GridStyle based on the border lines.

property border_line: euporie.core.border.DiLineStyle

Calculate the line style.

property border_style: euporie.core.data_structures.DiStr

Calculate the visibility of the element’s borders.

property border_visibility: euporie.core.data_structures.DiBool

Calculate the visibility of the element’s borders.

property browser_css_theme: dict[str, str]

Calculate the theme defined in the browser CSS.

property color: str

Get the computed theme foreground color.

property content_height: int

Return the height available for rendering the element’s content.

property content_width: int

Return the width available for rendering the element’s content.

property d_block: bool

If the element a block element.

property d_blocky: bool

If the element an inline element.

property d_flex: bool

If the element a block element.

property d_grid: bool

If the element a block element.

property d_image: bool

If the element is an image.

property d_inline: bool

If the element an inline element.

property d_inline_block: bool

If the element an inline element.

property d_list_item: bool

If the element an inline element.

property d_table: bool

If the element a block element.

property d_table_cell: bool

If the element a block element.

property dom_css_theme: dict[str, str]

Calculate the theme defined in CSS in the DOM.

property floated: str | None

The float status of the element.

property font_size: float | int

Get the computed font size for the current element.

property gap: tuple[int, int]

Calculate the horizontal & vertical inter-element spacing.

get(k[, d]) D[k] if k in D, else d.  d defaults to None.
property grid_area: str | None

The name of the grid area assigned to the grid item.

property grid_areas: dict[int, dict[int, str]]

The layout of grid-areas in the current node’s grid layout.

property grid_column_span: int

The number of grid columns spanned by the grid item.

property grid_column_start: int | None

The index of the first grid column spanned by the grid item.

property grid_template: Iterator[list[str]]

Calculate the size of the grid tracks.

property height: int | None

The perscribed height.

property hidden: bool

Determine if the element is hidden.

property in_flow: bool

Determine if the element is “in-flow”.

property inherited_browser_css_theme: dict[str, str]

Get the inherited parts from the browser CSS.

property inherited_theme: dict[str, str]

Calculate the theme inherited from the element’s parent.

items() a set-like object providing a view on D's items
keys() a set-like object providing a view on D's keys
property list_style_position: str

Where the list bullet should be located.

property list_style_type: str

The bullet character to use for the list.

property margin: euporie.core.data_structures.DiInt

Calculate the margin box.

property max_content_width: int

Get maximum absolute child width.

property max_height: int | None

The maximum permitted height.

property max_width: int | None

The maximum permitted width.

property min_content_width: int

Get maximum absolute child width.

property min_height: int | None

The minimum permitted height.

property min_width: int | None

The minimum permitted width.

property order: tuple[tuple[bool, int], int, tuple[bool, int]]

Items are sorted by ascending order value then their source code order.

property padding: euporie.core.data_structures.DiInt

Calculate the padding box.

property position: euporie.core.data_structures.DiInt

The position of an element with a relative, absolute or fixed position.

property preformatted: bool

Determine if the content is pre-formatted.

property skip: bool

Determine if the element should not be displayed.

property style: str

Calculate the output style.

property style_attribute_theme: dict[str, str]

Calculate the theme defined by the element’s style attribute.

property text_align: euporie.core.ft.utils.FormattedTextAlign

The text alignment direction.

async text_transform(value: str) str

Return a function which transforms text.

property theme: dict[str, str]

Return the combined computed theme.

update_space(available_width: int, available_height: int) None

Set the space available to the element for rendering.

values() an object providing a view on D's values
property vertical_align: float

The vertical alignment direction.

property width: int | None

The pescribed width.

property z_index: int

The z-index of the element.

euporie.core.ft.html.css_dimension(value: str, vertical: bool = False, available: float | int | None = None) float | None

Convert CSS dimensions to terminal cell sizes.

euporie.core.ft.html.get_color(value: str) str

Extract a hex color from a string.

euporie.core.ft.html.get_integer(value: str) int | None

Extract the first integer from a string.

euporie.core.ft.html.match_css_selector(selector: str, attrs: str, pseudo: str, element_name: str, is_first_child_element: bool, is_last_child_element: bool, sibling_element_index: int | None, **element_attrs: Any) bool

Determine if a CSS selector matches a particular element.

euporie.core.ft.html.parse_css_content(content: str) dict[str, str]

Convert CSS declarations into the internals style representation.

euporie.core.ft.html.parse_media_condition(condition: str, dom: HTML) Filter

Convert media rules to conditions.

euporie.core.ft.html.parse_style_sheet(css_str: str, dom: HTML, condition: Filter = <prompt_toolkit.filters.base.Always object>) None

Collect all CSS styles from style tags.

euporie.core.ft.html.selector_specificity(selector_parts: tuple[euporie.core.ft.html.CssSelector, ...]) tuple[int, int, int]

Calculate the specificity score of a CSS selector.

euporie.core.ft.html.try_eval(value: str, default: Any = None) Any

Attempt to cast a string to a python type.