
Contain the main class for a notebook file.



Add a command to the centralized command system.

add_setting(name, default, help_, description)

Register a new config item.

cast(typ, val)

Cast a value to a type.

edit_in_editor(filename[, line_number])

Suspend the current app and edit a file in an external editor.

format_code(text, config)

Format a code string using :py:mod:``.


Get a command from the centralized command system by name.


Enable when this buffer has the focus.


Asynchronous context manager that suspends the current application and runs the body in the terminal.

load_registered_bindings(*names[, config])

Assign key-bindings to commands based on a dictionary.


Update the key-binding registry.


Buffer([completer, auto_suggest, history, ...])

The core data structure that holds the text and cursor position of the current input line and implements all text manipulations on top of it.

CellOutputArea(json, parent[, style])

An area below a cell where one or more cell outputs can be shown.


Turn any callable into a Filter.

ConditionalContainer(content, filter)

Wrapper around any other container that can change the visibility.

Console(app[, path, use_kernel_history, ...])

Interactive console.

FloatContainer(content, floats[, modal, ...])

Container which can contain another container for the background, as well as a list of floating containers on top of it.

FormattedTextControl([text, style, ...])

Control that displays formatted text.

HSplit(children[, window_too_small, align, ...])

Several layouts, one stacked above/under the other. ::.

KernelInput(kernel_tab, *args[, ...])

Kernel input text areas.

KernelTab(app[, path, kernel, comms, ...])

A Tab which connects to a kernel.


Validate kernel input using a kernel code completeness call.


A container for a set of key bindings.

Layout(container[, focused_element])

The layout for a prompt_toolkit Application.


Typed dictionary for named message callbacks.

PagerState(code, cursor_pos, response)

A named tuple which describes the state of a pager.

PrintingContainer(children[, width, ...])

A container which displays all it's children in a vertical list.


A widget to accept kernel input.

UPath(*args, **kwargs)

VSplit(children[, window_too_small, align, ...])

Several layouts, one stacked left/right of the other. ::.

ValidationState(value[, names, module, ...])

The validation state of a buffer.

Window([content, width, height, z_index, ...])

Container that holds a control.


partial(func, *args, **keywords) - new function with partial application of the given arguments and keywords.

class euporie.console.tabs.console.Console(app: BaseApp, path: Path | None = None, use_kernel_history: bool = True, connection_file: str = '')

Bases: euporie.core.tabs.base.KernelTab

Interactive console.

An interactive console which connects to a Jupyter kernel.

accept_stdin(buf: prompt_toolkit.buffer.Buffer) bool

Accept the user’s input.

allow_stdin: bool
async async_render_outputs() None

Render any unrendered outputs above the application.

bg_init = False
change_kernel(msg: str | None = None, startup: bool = False) None

Prompt the user to select a new kernel.

clear_output(wait: bool = False) None

Remove the last output, optionally when new output is generated.

close(cb: Callable | None = None) None

Close the console tab.

comm_close(content: dict, buffers: Sequence[bytes]) None

Close a notebook Comm.

comm_msg(content: dict, buffers: Sequence[bytes]) None

Respond to a Comm message from the kernel.

comm_open(content: dict, buffers: Sequence[bytes]) None

Register a new kernel Comm object in the notebook.

complete(content: dict | None = None) None

Re-render any changes.

container: AnyContainer
default_callbacks: MsgCallbacks
file_extensions: set[str] = {}
focus() None

Focus the tab (or make it visible).

init_kernel(kernel: Kernel | None = None, comms: dict[str, Comm] | None = None, use_kernel_history: bool = False, connection_file: Path | None = None) None

Set up the tab’s kernel and related components.

inspect() None

Get contextual help for the current cursor position in the current cell.

interrupt_kernel() None

Interrupt the current Notebook’s kernel.

kernel: Kernel
kernel_died() None

Call when the kernel dies.

property kernel_display_name: str

Return the display name of the kernel defined in the notebook JSON.

property kernel_lang_file_ext: str

Return the display name of the kernel defined in the notebook JSON.

kernel_language: str
property kernel_name: str

Return the name of the kernel defined in the notebook JSON.

kernel_started(result: dict[str, Any] | None = None) None

Task to run when the kernel has started.

lang_file_ext() str

Return the file extension for scripts in the notebook’s language.

property language: str

The language of the current kernel.

load_container() prompt_toolkit.layout.containers.HSplit

Build the main application layout.

async load_history() None

Load kernel history.

property metadata: dict[str, Any]

Return a dictionary to hold notebook / kernel metadata.

mime_types: set[str] = {}
name: str | None = None
new_output(output_json: dict[str, Any]) None

Print the previous output and replace it with the new one.

post_init_kernel() None

Run stuff after the kernel is loaded.

pre_init_kernel() None

Run stuff before the kernel is loaded.

prompt(text: str, offset: int = 0, show_busy: bool = False) StyleAndTextTuples

Determine what should be displayed in the prompt of the cell.

reformat() None

Reformat the input.

refresh(now: bool = True) None

Request the output is refreshed (does nothing).

render_outputs(app: Application[Any]) None

Request that any unrendered outputs be rendered.

report_kernel_error(error: Exception | None) None

Report a kernel error to the user.

reset() None

Reet the state of the tab.

restart_kernel(cb: Callable | None = None) None

Restart the current Notebook’s kernel.

run(buffer: prompt_toolkit.buffer.Buffer | None = None) None

Run the code in the input box.

save(path: Path | None = None, cb: Callable | None = None) None

Save the console as a notebook.

set_kernel_info(info: dict) None

Receive and processes kernel metadata.

set_next_input(text: str, replace: bool = False) None

Set the text for the next prompt.

property title: str

Return the tab title.

validate_input(code: str) bool

Determine if the entered code is ready to run.

weight: int = 0