Command Available in Euporie Notebook
- toggle-version
- title:
Toggle version
- description:
Show the version number and exit
- switch-clipboard
- title:
Switch clipboard
- description:
Switch the value of the “clipboard” configuration option.
- set-clipboard-external
- title:
Set clipboard to external
- description:
Set the value of the “clipboard” configuration option to “external”
- set-clipboard-internal
- title:
Set clipboard to internal
- description:
Set the value of the “clipboard” configuration option to “internal”
- set-clipboard-terminal
- title:
Set clipboard to terminal
- description:
Set the value of the “clipboard” configuration option to “terminal”
- switch-log-level
- title:
Switch the log level
- description:
Switch the value of the “log_level” configuration option.
- set-log-level-debug
- title:
Set the log level to debug
- description:
Set the value of the “log_level” configuration option to “debug”
- set-log-level-info
- title:
Set the log level to info
- description:
Set the value of the “log_level” configuration option to “info”
- set-log-level-warning
- title:
Set the log level to warning
- description:
Set the value of the “log_level” configuration option to “warning”
- set-log-level-error
- title:
Set the log level to error
- description:
Set the value of the “log_level” configuration option to “error”
- set-log-level-critical
- title:
Set the log level to critical
- description:
Set the value of the “log_level” configuration option to “critical”
- toggle-show-shadows
- title:
Toggle show shadows
- description:
Show or hide shadows under menus and dialogs
- toggle-show-status-bar
- title:
Toggle status bar
- description:
Show the status bar
- toggle-set-cursor-shape
- title:
Toggle set cursor shape
- description:
Whether to set the shape of the cursor depending on the editing mode
- toggle-cursor-blink
- title:
Toggle cursor blink
- description:
Whether to blink the cursor
- quit
- title:
- description:
Quit euporie.
- close-tab
- title:
Close tab
- description:
Close the current tab.
- next-tab
- title:
Next tab
- description:
Switch to the next tab.
- previous-tab
- title:
Previous tab
- description:
Switch to the previous tab.
- focus-next
- title:
Focus next
- description:
Focus the next control.
- focus-previous
- title:
Focus previous
- description:
Focus the previous control.
- clear-screen
- title:
Clear screen
- description:
Clear the screen.
- switch-edit-mode
- title:
Switch Editor key bindings
- description:
Switch the value of the “edit_mode” configuration option.
- set-edit-mode-micro
- title:
Set Editor key bindings to micro
- description:
Set the value of the “edit_mode” configuration option to “micro”
- set-edit-mode-emacs
- title:
Set Editor key bindings to emacs
- description:
Set the value of the “edit_mode” configuration option to “emacs”
- set-edit-mode-vi
- title:
Set Editor key bindings to vi
- description:
Set the value of the “edit_mode” configuration option to “vi”
- switch-tab-size
- title:
Switch tab size
- description:
Switch the value of the “tab_size” configuration option.
- toggle-syntax-highlighting
- title:
Toggle syntax highlighting
- description:
Syntax highlighting
- set-syntax-theme-abap
- title:
Set syntax theme to abap
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “abap”
- set-syntax-theme-algol
- title:
Set syntax theme to algol
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “algol”
- set-syntax-theme-algol_nu
- title:
Set syntax theme to algol_nu
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “algol_nu”
- set-syntax-theme-arduino
- title:
Set syntax theme to arduino
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “arduino”
- set-syntax-theme-autumn
- title:
Set syntax theme to autumn
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “autumn”
- set-syntax-theme-bw
- title:
Set syntax theme to bw
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “bw”
- set-syntax-theme-borland
- title:
Set syntax theme to borland
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “borland”
- set-syntax-theme-coffee
- title:
Set syntax theme to coffee
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “coffee”
- set-syntax-theme-colorful
- title:
Set syntax theme to colorful
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “colorful”
- set-syntax-theme-default
- title:
Set syntax theme to default
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “default”
- set-syntax-theme-dracula
- title:
Set syntax theme to dracula
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “dracula”
- set-syntax-theme-emacs
- title:
Set syntax theme to emacs
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “emacs”
- set-syntax-theme-friendly_grayscale
- title:
Set syntax theme to friendly_grayscale
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “friendly_grayscale”
- set-syntax-theme-friendly
- title:
Set syntax theme to friendly
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “friendly”
- set-syntax-theme-fruity
- title:
Set syntax theme to fruity
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “fruity”
- set-syntax-theme-github-dark
- title:
Set syntax theme to github-dark
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “github-dark”
- set-syntax-theme-gruvbox-dark
- title:
Set syntax theme to gruvbox-dark
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “gruvbox-dark”
- set-syntax-theme-gruvbox-light
- title:
Set syntax theme to gruvbox-light
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “gruvbox-light”
- set-syntax-theme-igor
- title:
Set syntax theme to igor
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “igor”
- set-syntax-theme-inkpot
- title:
Set syntax theme to inkpot
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “inkpot”
- set-syntax-theme-lightbulb
- title:
Set syntax theme to lightbulb
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “lightbulb”
- set-syntax-theme-lilypond
- title:
Set syntax theme to lilypond
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “lilypond”
- set-syntax-theme-lovelace
- title:
Set syntax theme to lovelace
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “lovelace”
- set-syntax-theme-manni
- title:
Set syntax theme to manni
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “manni”
- set-syntax-theme-material
- title:
Set syntax theme to material
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “material”
- set-syntax-theme-monokai
- title:
Set syntax theme to monokai
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “monokai”
- set-syntax-theme-murphy
- title:
Set syntax theme to murphy
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “murphy”
- set-syntax-theme-native
- title:
Set syntax theme to native
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “native”
- set-syntax-theme-nord-darker
- title:
Set syntax theme to nord-darker
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “nord-darker”
- set-syntax-theme-nord
- title:
Set syntax theme to nord
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “nord”
- set-syntax-theme-one-dark
- title:
Set syntax theme to one-dark
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “one-dark”
- set-syntax-theme-paraiso-dark
- title:
Set syntax theme to paraiso-dark
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “paraiso-dark”
- set-syntax-theme-paraiso-light
- title:
Set syntax theme to paraiso-light
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “paraiso-light”
- set-syntax-theme-pastie
- title:
Set syntax theme to pastie
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “pastie”
- set-syntax-theme-perldoc
- title:
Set syntax theme to perldoc
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “perldoc”
- set-syntax-theme-rainbow_dash
- title:
Set syntax theme to rainbow_dash
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “rainbow_dash”
- set-syntax-theme-rrt
- title:
Set syntax theme to rrt
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “rrt”
- set-syntax-theme-sas
- title:
Set syntax theme to sas
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “sas”
- set-syntax-theme-solarized-dark
- title:
Set syntax theme to solarized-dark
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “solarized-dark”
- set-syntax-theme-solarized-light
- title:
Set syntax theme to solarized-light
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “solarized-light”
- set-syntax-theme-staroffice
- title:
Set syntax theme to staroffice
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “staroffice”
- set-syntax-theme-stata-dark
- title:
Set syntax theme to stata-dark
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “stata-dark”
- set-syntax-theme-stata-light
- title:
Set syntax theme to stata-light
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “stata-light”
- set-syntax-theme-tango
- title:
Set syntax theme to tango
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “tango”
- set-syntax-theme-trac
- title:
Set syntax theme to trac
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “trac”
- set-syntax-theme-vim
- title:
Set syntax theme to vim
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “vim”
- set-syntax-theme-vs
- title:
Set syntax theme to vs
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “vs”
- set-syntax-theme-xcode
- title:
Set syntax theme to xcode
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “xcode”
- set-syntax-theme-zenburn
- title:
Set syntax theme to zenburn
- description:
Set the value of the “syntax_theme” configuration option to “zenburn”
- switch-color-depth
- title:
Switch color depth
- description:
Switch the value of the “color_depth” configuration option.
- set-color-depth-1
- title:
Set color depth to 1
- description:
Set the value of the “color_depth” configuration option to “1”
- set-color-depth-4
- title:
Set color depth to 4
- description:
Set the value of the “color_depth” configuration option to “4”
- set-color-depth-8
- title:
Set color depth to 8
- description:
Set the value of the “color_depth” configuration option to “8”
- set-color-depth-24
- title:
Set color depth to 24
- description:
Set the value of the “color_depth” configuration option to “24”
- toggle-multiplexer-passthrough
- title:
Toggle multiplexer passthrough
- description:
Use passthrough from within terminal multiplexers
- switch-color-scheme
- title:
Switch color scheme
- description:
Switch the value of the “color_scheme” configuration option.
- set-color-scheme-default
- title:
Set color scheme to default
- description:
Set the value of the “color_scheme” configuration option to “default”
- set-color-scheme-inverse
- title:
Set color scheme to inverse
- description:
Set the value of the “color_scheme” configuration option to “inverse”
- set-color-scheme-light
- title:
Set color scheme to light
- description:
Set the value of the “color_scheme” configuration option to “light”
- set-color-scheme-dark
- title:
Set color scheme to dark
- description:
Set the value of the “color_scheme” configuration option to “dark”
- set-color-scheme-black
- title:
Set color scheme to black
- description:
Set the value of the “color_scheme” configuration option to “black”
- set-color-scheme-white
- title:
Set color scheme to white
- description:
Set the value of the “color_scheme” configuration option to “white”
- set-color-scheme-custom
- title:
Set color scheme to custom
- description:
Set the value of the “color_scheme” configuration option to “custom”
- switch-graphics
- title:
Switch graphics
- description:
Switch the value of the “graphics” configuration option.
- set-graphics-none
- title:
Set graphics to none
- description:
Set the value of the “graphics” configuration option to “none”
- set-graphics-sixel
- title:
Set graphics to sixel
- description:
Set the value of the “graphics” configuration option to “sixel”
- set-graphics-kitty
- title:
Set graphics to kitty
- description:
Set the value of the “graphics” configuration option to “kitty”
- set-graphics-iterm
- title:
Set graphics to iterm
- description:
Set the value of the “graphics” configuration option to “iterm”
- toggle-force-graphics
- title:
Toggle force graphics
- description:
Force use of specified graphics protocol
- toggle-enable-language-servers
- title:
Toggle enable language servers
- description:
Enable language server support
- type-key
- title:
Type key
- description:
Enter a key.
- next-completion
- title:
Next completion
- description:
Show the completion menu and select the next completion.
- previous-completion
- title:
Previous completion
- description:
Show the completion menu and select the previous completion.
- cancel-completion
- title:
Cancel completion
- description:
Cancel a completion.
- accept-completion
- title:
Accept completion
- description:
Accept a selected completion.
- toggle-overwrite-mode
- title:
Toggle overwrite mode
- description:
Toggle overwrite when using micro editing mode.
- start-macro
- title:
Start macro
- description:
Start recording a macro.
- end-macro
- title:
End macro
- description:
Stop recording a macro.
- run-macro
- title:
Run macro
- description:
Re-execute the last keyboard macro defined.
- backspace
- title:
Delete previous character
- description:
Delete the character behind the cursor.
- delete
- title:
Delete character
- description:
Delete character before the cursor.
- backward-kill-word
- title:
Delete previous word
- description:
Delete the word behind the cursor, using whitespace as a word boundary.
- backward-word
- title:
Move back one word
- description:
Move back to the start of the current or previous word.
- forward-word
- title:
Move forward one word
- description:
Move forward to the end of the next word.
- beginning-of-buffer
- title:
Move to the beginning of the input
- description:
Move to the start of the buffer.
- end-of-buffer
- title:
Move to the end of the input
- description:
Move to the end of the buffer.
- scroll-backward
- title:
Scroll backward
- description:
Scroll window up.
- scroll-forward
- title:
Scroll forward
- description:
Scroll window down.
- scroll-half-page-down
- title:
Scroll down half a page
- description:
Same as ControlF, but only scroll half a page.
- scroll-half-page-up
- title:
Scroll up half a page
- description:
Same as ControlB, but only scroll half a page.
- scroll-one-line-down
- title:
Scroll down one line
- description:
scroll_offset += 1.
- scroll-one-line-up
- title:
Scroll up one line
- description:
scroll_offset -= 1.
- move-cursor-left
- title:
Move cursor left
- description:
Move back a character, or up a line.
- move-cursor-right
- title:
Move cursor right
- description:
Move forward a character, or down a line.
- go-to-start-of-line
- title:
Go to start of line
- description:
Move the cursor to the start of the line.
- go-to-end-of-line
- title:
Go to end of line
- description:
Move the cursor to the end of the line.
- go-to-start-of-paragraph
- title:
Go to start of paragraph
- description:
Move the cursor to the start of the current paragraph.
- go-to-end-of-paragraph
- title:
Go to end of paragraph
- description:
Move the cursor to the end of the current paragraph.
- toggle-comment
- title:
Toggle comment
- description:
Comment or uncomments the current or selected lines.
- wrap-selection-""
- title:
Wrap selection in “”
- description:
Wraps the current selection with: “”
- wrap-selection-''
- title:
Wrap selection in ‘’
- description:
Wraps the current selection with: ‘’
- wrap-selection-()
- title:
Wrap selection in ()
- description:
Wraps the current selection with: ()
- wrap-selection-{}
- title:
Wrap selection in {}
- description:
Wraps the current selection with: {}
- wrap-selection-[]
- title:
Wrap selection in []
- description:
Wraps the current selection with: []
- wrap-selection-``
- title:
Wrap selection in ``
- description:
Wraps the current selection with: ``
- wrap-selection-**
- title:
Wrap selection in **
- description:
Wraps the current selection with: **
- wrap-selection-__
- title:
Wrap selection in __
- description:
Wraps the current selection with: __
- wrap-selection-<>
- title:
Wrap selection in <>
- description:
Wraps the current selection with: <>
- duplicate-line
- title:
Duplicate line
- description:
Duplicate the current line.
- duplicate-selection
- title:
Duplicate selection
- description:
Duplicate the current selection.
- paste-clipboard
- title:
- description:
Pate the clipboard contents, replacing any current selection.
- copy-selection
- title:
- description:
Add the current selection to the clipboard.
- cut-selection
- title:
- description:
Remove the current selection and adds it to the clipboard.
- cut-line
- title:
Cut line
- description:
Remove the current line adds it to the clipboard.
- move-lines-up
- title:
Move lines up
- description:
Move the current or selected lines up by one line.
- move-lines-down
- title:
Move lines down
- description:
Move the current or selected lines down by one line.
- accept-line
- title:
Accept line
- description:
Accept an input.
- newline
- title:
- description:
Inert a new line, replacing any selection and indenting if appropriate.
- indent-lines
- title:
Indent lines
- description:
Inndent the current or selected lines.
- unindent-lines
- title:
Unindent lines
- description:
Unindent the current or selected lines.
- unindent-line
- title:
Unindent line
- description:
Unindent the current or selected lines.
- toggle-case
- title:
Toggle case
- description:
Toggle the case of the current word or selection.
- undo
- title:
- description:
Undo the last edit.
- redo
- title:
- description:
Redo the last edit.
- select-all
- title:
Select all
- description:
Select all text.
- start-selection
- title:
Start selection
- description:
Start a new selection.
- extend-selection
- title:
Extend selection
- description:
Extend the selection.
- replace-selection
- title:
Replace selection
- description:
Replace selection by what is typed.
- delete-selection
- title:
Delete selection
- description:
Delete the contents of the current selection.
- cancel-selection
- title:
Cancel selection
- description:
Cancel the selection.
- go-to-matching-bracket
- title:
Go to matching bracket
- description:
Go to matching bracket if the cursor is on a paired bracket.
- accept-suggestion
- title:
Accept suggestion
- description:
Accept suggestion.
- fill-suggestion
- title:
Fill suggestion
- description:
Fill partial suggestion.
- scroll-page-down
- title:
Scroll page down
- description:
Scroll page down (prefer the cursor at the top of the page, after scrolling).
- scroll-page-up
- title:
Scroll page up
- description:
Scroll page up (prefer the cursor at the bottom of the page, after scrolling).
- scroll-display-left
- title:
Scroll display left
- description:
Scroll the display up one line.
- scroll-display-right
- title:
Scroll display right
- description:
Scroll the display down one line.
- scroll-display-up
- title:
Scroll display up
- description:
Scroll the display up one line.
- scroll-display-down
- title:
Scroll display down
- description:
Scroll the display down one line.
- page-up-display
- title:
Page up display
- description:
Scroll the display up one page.
- page-down-display
- title:
Page down display
- description:
Scroll the display down one page.
- go-to-start-of-display
- title:
Go to start of display
- description:
Scroll the display to the top.
- go-to-end-of-display
- title:
Go to end of display
- description:
Scroll the display down one page.
- toggle-wrap-cell-outputs
- title:
Toggle wrap cell outputs
- description:
Wrap cell output text.
- close-pager
- title:
Close pager
- description:
Close the pager.
- toggle-line-numbers
- title:
Toggle line numbers
- description:
Show or hide line numbers
- toggle-autoformat
- title:
Toggle autoformat
- description:
Automatically re-format code cells when run
- toggle-autocomplete
- title:
Toggle autocomplete
- description:
Provide completions suggestions automatically
- toggle-autosuggest
- title:
Toggle autosuggest
- description:
Provide line completion suggestions
- toggle-autoinspect
- title:
Toggle autoinspect
- description:
Display contextual help automatically
- show-contextual-help
- title:
Show contextual help
- description:
Display contextual help.
- history-prev
- title:
History prev
- description:
Get the previous history entry.
- history-next
- title:
History next
- description:
Get the next history entry.
- reformat-input
- title:
Reformat input
- description:
Format the contents of the current input field.
- refresh-tab
- title:
Refresh the current tab
- description:
Reload the tab contents and reset the tab.
- reset-tab
- title:
Reset the current tab
- description:
Reset the current tab
- save-file
- title:
Save file
- description:
Save the current file.
- change-kernel
- title:
Change kernel
- description:
Change the notebook’s kernel.
- toggle-record-cell-timing
- title:
Toggle cell timing recording
- description:
Should timing data be recorded in cell metadata.
- toggle-show-remote-inputs
- title:
Toggle show remote inputs
- description:
Display inputs sent to the kernel by other clients
- toggle-show-remote-outputs
- title:
Toggle show remote outputs
- description:
Display kernel outputs triggered by other clients
- toggle-show-file-icons
- title:
Toggle File icons
- description:
Show file icons in the file manager
- about
- title:
- description:
Show the about dialog.
- open-file
- title:
Open file
- description:
Open a file.
- save-as
- title:
Save as
- description:
Save the current file at a new location.
- keyboard-shortcuts
- title:
Keyboard shortcuts
- description:
Display details of registered key-bindings in a dialog.
- toggle-command-palette
- title:
Toggle command palette
- description:
Show the command palette.
- show-command-palette
- title:
Show command palette
- description:
Show the command palette.
- hide-command-palette
- title:
Hide command palette
- description:
Hide the command palette.
- find
- title:
- description:
Enter search mode.
- find-next
- title:
Find next
- description:
Find the next search match.
- find-previous
- title:
Find previous
- description:
Find the previous search match.
- stop-search
- title:
Stop search
- description:
Abort the search.
- accept-search
- title:
Accept search
- description:
Accept the search input.
- view-logs
- title:
View logs
- description:
Open the logs in a new tab.
- toggle-show-cell-borders
- title:
Toggle cell borders
- description:
Show or hide cell borders.
- toggle-save-widget-state
- title:
Toggle save widget state
- description:
Save a notebook’s widget state in the notebook metadata
- switch-max-notebook-width
- title:
Switch max notebook width
- description:
Switch the value of the “max_notebook_width” configuration option.
- toggle-expand
- title:
Toggle expand
- description:
Use the full width to display notebooks
- toggle-show-scroll-bar
- title:
Toggle scroll bar
- description:
Show the scroll bar
- enter-cell-edit-mode
- title:
Enter cell edit mode
- description:
Enter cell edit mode.
- exit-edit-mode
- title:
Exit edit mode
- description:
Exit cell edit mode.
- run-selected-cells
- title:
Run selected cells
- description:
Run or render the current cells.
- run-and-select-next
- title:
Run selected cells and select next cell
- description:
Run or render the current cells and select the next cell.
- run-cell-and-insert-below
- title:
Run cell and insert below
- description:
Run or render the current cells and insert a new cell below.
- run-all-cells
- title:
Run all cells
- description:
Run or render all the cells in the current notebook.
- add-cell-above
- title:
Add cell above
- description:
Add a new cell above the current.
- add-cell-below
- title:
Add cell below
- description:
Add a new cell below the current.
- delete-cells
- title:
Delete cells
- description:
Delete the current cells.
- undelete-cells
- title:
Undelete cells
- description:
Undelete the last deleted cells.
- cut-cells
- title:
Cut cells
- description:
Cut the current cells.
- copy-cells
- title:
Copy cells
- description:
Copy the current cells.
- copy-outputs
- title:
Copy outputs
- description:
Copy the cell’s output to the clipboard.
- paste-cells
- title:
Paste cells
- description:
Pate the previously copied cells.
- merge-cells
- title:
Merge cells
- description:
Merge the selected cells.
- scroll-up
- title:
Scroll up
- description:
Scroll the page up a line.
- scroll-down
- title:
Scroll down
- description:
Scroll the page down a line.
- scroll-up-5-lines
- title:
Scroll up 5 lines
- description:
Scroll the page up 5 lines.
- scroll-down-5-lines
- title:
Scroll down 5 lines
- description:
Scroll the page down 5 lines.
- select-first-cell
- title:
Select first cell
- description:
Select the first cell in the notebook.
- select-5th-previous-cell
- title:
Select 5th previous cell
- description:
Go up 5 cells.
- select-previous-cell
- title:
Select previous cell
- description:
Go up one cell.
- select-next-cell
- title:
Select next cell
- description:
Select the next cell.
- select-5th-next-cell
- title:
Select 5th next cell
- description:
Go down 5 cells.
- select-last-cell
- title:
Select last cell
- description:
Select the last cell in the notebook.
- select-all-cells
- title:
Select all cells
- description:
Select all cells in the notebook.
- extend-cell-selection-to-top
- title:
Extend cell selection to top
- description:
Extend the cell selection to the top of the notebook.
- extend-cell-selection-up
- title:
Extend cell selection up
- description:
Extend the cell selection up a cell.
- extend-cell-selection-down
- title:
Extend cell selection down
- description:
Extend the cell selection down a cell.
- extend-cell-selection-to-bottom
- title:
Extend cell selection to bottom
- description:
Extend the cell selection to the bottom of the notebook.
- move-cells-up
- title:
Move cells up
- description:
Move selected cells up.
- move-cells-down
- title:
Move cells down
- description:
Move selected cells down.
- cells-to-markdown
- title:
Cells to markdown
- description:
Change selected cells to markdown cells.
- cells-to-code
- title:
Cells to code
- description:
Change selected cells to code cells.
- cells-to-raw
- title:
Cells to raw
- description:
Change selected cells to raw cells.
- clear-cell-outputs
- title:
Clear cell outputs
- description:
Clear the outputs of the selected cells.
- clear-all-outputs
- title:
Clear all outputs
- description:
Clear the outputs of the selected cells.
- show-cell-inputs
- title:
Expand cell inputs
- description:
Expand the selected cells’ inputs.
- hide-cell-inputs
- title:
Collapse cell inputs
- description:
Collapse the selected cells’ inputs.
- toggle-cell-inputs
- title:
Toggle cell inputs
- description:
Toggle the visibility of the selected cells’ inputs.
- show-cell-outputs
- title:
Expand cell outputs
- description:
Expand the selected cells’ outputs.
- hide-cell-outputs
- title:
Collapse cell outputs
- description:
Collapse the selected cells’ outputs.
- toggle-cell-outputs
- title:
Toggle cell outputs
- description:
Toggle the visibility of the selected cells’ outputs.
- reformat-cells
- title:
Reformat cells
- description:
Format the selected code cells.
- reformat-notebook
- title:
Reformat notebook
- description:
Automatically reformat all code cells in the notebook.
- edit-in-external-editor
- title:
Edit in external editor
- description:
Edit cell in $EDITOR.
- split-cell
- title:
Split cell
- description:
Split the current cell at the cursor position.
- edit-previous-cell
- title:
Edit previous cell
- description:
Move the cursor up to the previous cell.
- edit-previous-cell-vi
- title:
Edit previous cell vi
- description:
Move the cursor up to the previous cell.
- edit-next-cell
- title:
Edit next cell
- description:
Move the cursor down to the next cell.
- edit-next-cell-vi
- title:
Edit next cell vi
- description:
Move the cursor down to the next cell.
- scroll-output-left
- title:
Scroll output left
- description:
Scroll the cell output to the left.
- scroll-output-right
- title:
Scroll output right
- description:
Scroll the cell output to the right.
- interrupt-kernel
- title:
Interrupt kernel
- description:
Interrupt the notebook’s kernel.
- restart-kernel
- title:
Restart kernel
- description:
Restart the notebook’s kernel.
- restart-kernel-and-clear-all-outputs
- title:
Restart kernel and clear all outputs
- description:
Restart the notebook’s kernel and clear all cell output.
- notebook-toggle-line-numbers
- title:
Notebook toggle line numbers
- description:
Toggle line numbers when a buffer does not have focus.
- title:
Webview nav prev
- description:
Navigate backwards in the browser history.
- title:
Webview nav next
- description:
Navigate forwards in the browser history.
- scroll-webview-left
- title:
Scroll webview left
- description:
Scroll the display up one line.
- scroll-webview-right
- title:
Scroll webview right
- description:
Scroll the display down one line.
- scroll-webview-up
- title:
Scroll webview up
- description:
Scroll the display up one line.
- scroll-webview-down
- title:
Scroll webview down
- description:
Scroll the display down one line.
- page-up-webview
- title:
Page up webview
- description:
Scroll the display up one page.
- page-down-webview
- title:
Page down webview
- description:
Scroll the display down one page.
- go-to-start-of-webview
- title:
Go to start of webview
- description:
Scroll the display to the top.
- go-to-end-of-webview
- title:
Go to end of webview
- description:
Scroll the display down one page.
- toggle-show-side-bar
- title:
Toggle side-bar
- description:
Show the side-bar
- toggle-side-bar-pane
- title:
Toggle side bar pane
- description:
Open or close the current side-bar pane.
- new-notebook
- title:
New notebook
- description:
Create a new file.
- view-documentation
- title:
View documentation
- description:
Open the documentation in a web-view tab.
- switch-tab-mode
- title:
Switch tab mode
- description:
Switch the value of the “tab_mode” configuration option.
- set-tab-mode-stack
- title:
Set tab mode to stack
- description:
Set the value of the “tab_mode” configuration option to “stack”
- set-tab-mode-tile_horizontally
- title:
Set tab mode to tile_horizontally
- description:
Set the value of the “tab_mode” configuration option to “tile_horizontally”
- set-tab-mode-tile_vertically
- title:
Set tab mode to tile_vertically
- description:
Set the value of the “tab_mode” configuration option to “tile_vertically”
- toggle-always-show-tab-bar
- title:
Toggle always show tab bar
- description:
Always show the tab bar
- switch-background-pattern
- title:
Switch background pattern
- description:
Switch the value of the “background_pattern” configuration option.
- set-background-pattern-0
- title:
Set background pattern to 0
- description:
Set the value of the “background_pattern” configuration option to “0”
- set-background-pattern-1
- title:
Set background pattern to 1
- description:
Set the value of the “background_pattern” configuration option to “1”
- set-background-pattern-2
- title:
Set background pattern to 2
- description:
Set the value of the “background_pattern” configuration option to “2”
- set-background-pattern-3
- title:
Set background pattern to 3
- description:
Set the value of the “background_pattern” configuration option to “3”
- set-background-pattern-4
- title:
Set background pattern to 4
- description:
Set the value of the “background_pattern” configuration option to “4”
- set-background-pattern-5
- title:
Set background pattern to 5
- description:
Set the value of the “background_pattern” configuration option to “5”
- toggle-run-after-external-edit
- title:
Toggle run after external edit
- description:
Run cells after editing externally
- toggle-run
- title:
Toggle run
- description:
Run the notebook files when loaded
- toggle-show-top-bar
- title:
Toggle top bar
- description:
Show the top bar