
Defines a container which displays all children at full height vertially stacked.



Get the current active (running) Application.

lru_cache([maxsize, typed])

Least-recently-used cache decorator.


Monkey-patch to_container to collect container status functions.



Turn any callable into a Filter.


Base class for user interface layout.


A container which disables mouse support on unhandled scroll up events.

MouseEventType(value[, names, module, ...])

class euporie.core.layout.mouse.DisableMouseOnScroll(content: AnyContainer)

Bases: Container

A container which disables mouse support on unhandled scroll up events.

This enables the terminal scroll-back buffer to be scrolled if there is nothing in the application which is scrollable.

get_children() list[prompt_toolkit.layout.containers.Container]

Return a list of all child containers.

get_key_bindings() prompt_toolkit.key_binding.key_bindings.KeyBindingsBase | None

Returns a KeyBindings object. These bindings become active when any user control in this container has the focus, except if any containers between this container and the focused user control is modal.

is_modal() bool

When this container is modal, key bindings from parent containers are not taken into account if a user control in this container is focused.

preferred_height(width: int, max_available_height: int) Dimension

Return the desired height for this container.

preferred_width(max_available_width: int) Dimension

Return the desired width for this container.

reset() None

Reset the state of this container.

write_to_screen(screen: Screen, mouse_handlers: MouseHandlers, write_position: WritePosition, parent_style: str, erase_bg: bool, z_index: int | None) None

Render the container to a Screen instance.

Wrap mouse handelrs, hooking unhandled scroll up events so the terminal can be scrolled if the scroll event is not handled.
