Command Line Interface
This page list all of the available command line flags for the euporie command.
$ euporie [-h] [--version] [--log-file [str]]
[--log-level {debug,info,warning,error,critical}]
[--log-config str]
Positional Arguments
- {console,edit,hub,notebook,preview}
The application to launch
Optional Arguments
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- --version, -V
Show the version number and exit
- --log-file <str>
File path for logs
- --log-level {debug,info,warning,error,critical}
Set the log level
- --log-config <str>
Additional logging configuration
$ euporie-console [-h] [--version]
[--clipboard {external,internal,terminal}]
[--log-file [str]]
[--log-level {debug,info,warning,error,critical}]
[--log-config str] [--show-shadows | --no-show-shadows]
[--show-status-bar | --no-show-status-bar]
[--set-cursor-shape | --no-set-cursor-shape]
[--cursor-blink | --no-cursor-blink]
[--edit-mode {micro,emacs,vi}] [--tab-size int]
[--terminal-polling-interval float]
[--formatters loads]
[--syntax-highlighting | --no-syntax-highlighting]
[--syntax-theme str] [--color-depth {1,4,8,24}]
[--multiplexer-passthrough | --no-multiplexer-passthrough]
[--color-scheme {default,inverse,light,dark,black,white,custom}]
[--custom-background-color str]
[--custom-foreground-color str] [--accent-color str]
[--key-bindings loads]
[--graphics {none,sixel,kitty,iterm}]
[--force-graphics | --no-force-graphics]
[--enable-language-servers | --lsp | --no-enable-language-servers | --no-lsp]
[--language-servers loads]
[--wrap-cell-outputs | --no-wrap-cell-outputs]
[--line-numbers | --no-line-numbers]
[--autoformat | --no-autoformat]
[--autocomplete | --no-autocomplete]
[--autosuggest | --no-autosuggest]
[--autoinspect | --no-autoinspect] [--kernel-name str]
[--record-cell-timing | --no-record-cell-timing]
[--show-remote-inputs | --no-show-remote-inputs]
[--show-remote-outputs | --no-show-remote-outputs]
[--max-stored-outputs int] [--connection-file UPath]
[--show-file-icons | --no-show-file-icons]
[--mouse-support | --no-mouse-support]
[UPath ...]
Positional Arguments
- <UPath> ...
List of file names to open
Optional Arguments
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- --version, -V
Show the version number and exit
- --clipboard {external,internal,terminal}
The preferred clipboard access method
- --log-file <str>
File path for logs
- --log-level {debug,info,warning,error,critical}
Set the log level
- --log-config <str>
Additional logging configuration
- --show-shadows, --no-show-shadows
Show or hide shadows under menus and dialogs
- --show-status-bar, --no-show-status-bar
Show the status bar
- --set-cursor-shape, --no-set-cursor-shape
Whether to set the shape of the cursor depending on the editing mode
- --cursor-blink, --no-cursor-blink
Whether to blink the cursor
- --edit-mode {micro,emacs,vi}
Key-binding mode for text editing
- --tab-size <int>
Spaces per indentation level
- --terminal-polling-interval <float>
Time between terminal colour queries
- --formatters <loads>
List of external code formatters
- --syntax-highlighting, --no-syntax-highlighting
Syntax highlighting
- --syntax-theme <str>
Syntax highlighting theme
- --color-depth {1,4,8,24}
The color depth to use
- --multiplexer-passthrough, --no-multiplexer-passthrough
Use passthrough from within terminal multiplexers
- --color-scheme {default,inverse,light,dark,black,white,custom}
The color scheme to use
- --custom-background-color <str>, --custom-bg-color <str>, --bg <str>
Background color for “Custom” color theme
- --custom-foreground-color <str>, --custom-fg-color <str>, --fg <str>
Foreground color for “Custom” color theme
- --accent-color <str>
Accent color to use in the app
- --key-bindings <loads>
Additional key binding definitions
- --graphics {none,sixel,kitty,iterm}
The preferred graphics protocol
- --force-graphics, --no-force-graphics
Force use of specified graphics protocol
- --enable-language-servers, --lsp, --no-enable-language-servers, --no-lsp
Enable language server support
- --language-servers <loads>
Language server configurations
- --wrap-cell-outputs, --no-wrap-cell-outputs
Wrap cell output text.
- --line-numbers, --no-line-numbers
Show or hide line numbers
- --autoformat, --no-autoformat
Automatically re-format code cells when run
- --autocomplete, --no-autocomplete
Provide completions suggestions automatically
- --autosuggest, --no-autosuggest
Provide line completion suggestions
- --autoinspect, --no-autoinspect
Display contextual help automatically
- --kernel-name <str>, --kernel <str>
The name of the kernel to start by default
- --record-cell-timing, --no-record-cell-timing
Should timing data be recorded in cell metadata.
- --show-remote-inputs, --no-show-remote-inputs
Display inputs sent to the kernel by other clients
- --show-remote-outputs, --no-show-remote-outputs
Display kernel outputs triggered by other clients
- --max-stored-outputs <int>
The number of inputs / outputs to store in an in-memory notebook
- --connection-file <UPath>, --kernel-connection-file <UPath>
Attempt to connect to an existing kernel using a JSON connection info file
- --show-file-icons, --no-show-file-icons
Show file icons in the file manager
- --mouse-support, --no-mouse-support
Enable or disable mouse support
$ euporie-hub [-h] [--version] [--clipboard {external,internal,terminal}]
[--log-file [str]]
[--log-level {debug,info,warning,error,critical}]
[--log-config str] [--show-shadows | --no-show-shadows]
[--show-status-bar | --no-show-status-bar]
[--set-cursor-shape | --no-set-cursor-shape]
[--cursor-blink | --no-cursor-blink]
[--edit-mode {micro,emacs,vi}] [--tab-size int]
[--terminal-polling-interval float] [--formatters loads]
[--syntax-highlighting | --no-syntax-highlighting]
[--syntax-theme str] [--color-depth {1,4,8,24}]
[--multiplexer-passthrough | --no-multiplexer-passthrough]
[--color-scheme {default,inverse,light,dark,black,white,custom}]
[--custom-background-color str]
[--custom-foreground-color str] [--accent-color str]
[--key-bindings loads]
[--graphics {none,sixel,kitty,iterm}]
[--force-graphics | --no-force-graphics]
[--enable-language-servers | --lsp | --no-enable-language-servers | --no-lsp]
[--language-servers loads] [--app {notebook,console}]
[--host str] [--port int] [--host-keys [UPath ...]]
[--client-keys [UPath ...]] [--auth | --no-auth]
[UPath ...]
Positional Arguments
- <UPath> ...
List of file names to open
Optional Arguments
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- --version, -V
Show the version number and exit
- --clipboard {external,internal,terminal}
The preferred clipboard access method
- --log-file <str>
File path for logs
- --log-level {debug,info,warning,error,critical}
Set the log level
- --log-config <str>
Additional logging configuration
- --show-shadows, --no-show-shadows
Show or hide shadows under menus and dialogs
- --show-status-bar, --no-show-status-bar
Show the status bar
- --set-cursor-shape, --no-set-cursor-shape
Whether to set the shape of the cursor depending on the editing mode
- --cursor-blink, --no-cursor-blink
Whether to blink the cursor
- --edit-mode {micro,emacs,vi}
Key-binding mode for text editing
- --tab-size <int>
Spaces per indentation level
- --terminal-polling-interval <float>
Time between terminal colour queries
- --formatters <loads>
List of external code formatters
- --syntax-highlighting, --no-syntax-highlighting
Syntax highlighting
- --syntax-theme <str>
Syntax highlighting theme
- --color-depth {1,4,8,24}
The color depth to use
- --multiplexer-passthrough, --no-multiplexer-passthrough
Use passthrough from within terminal multiplexers
- --color-scheme {default,inverse,light,dark,black,white,custom}
The color scheme to use
- --custom-background-color <str>, --custom-bg-color <str>, --bg <str>
Background color for “Custom” color theme
- --custom-foreground-color <str>, --custom-fg-color <str>, --fg <str>
Foreground color for “Custom” color theme
- --accent-color <str>
Accent color to use in the app
- --key-bindings <loads>
Additional key binding definitions
- --graphics {none,sixel,kitty,iterm}
The preferred graphics protocol
- --force-graphics, --no-force-graphics
Force use of specified graphics protocol
- --enable-language-servers, --lsp, --no-enable-language-servers, --no-lsp
Enable language server support
- --language-servers <loads>
Language server configurations
- --app {notebook,console}
App to run under euporie hub
- --host <str>
The host address to bind to
- --port <int>
The port for the ssh server to use
- --host-keys <UPath> ...
Host keys to use for the SSH server
- --client-keys <UPath> ...
Client public keys authorized to connect
- --auth, --no-auth
Allow unauthenticated access to euporie hub
$ euporie-notebook [-h] [--version]
[--clipboard {external,internal,terminal}]
[--log-file [str]]
[--log-level {debug,info,warning,error,critical}]
[--log-config str]
[--show-shadows | --no-show-shadows]
[--show-status-bar | --no-show-status-bar]
[--set-cursor-shape | --no-set-cursor-shape]
[--cursor-blink | --no-cursor-blink]
[--edit-mode {micro,emacs,vi}] [--tab-size int]
[--terminal-polling-interval float]
[--formatters loads]
[--syntax-highlighting | --no-syntax-highlighting]
[--syntax-theme str] [--color-depth {1,4,8,24}]
[--multiplexer-passthrough | --no-multiplexer-passthrough]
[--color-scheme {default,inverse,light,dark,black,white,custom}]
[--custom-background-color str]
[--custom-foreground-color str] [--accent-color str]
[--key-bindings loads]
[--graphics {none,sixel,kitty,iterm}]
[--force-graphics | --no-force-graphics]
[--enable-language-servers | --lsp | --no-enable-language-servers | --no-lsp]
[--language-servers loads]
[--wrap-cell-outputs | --no-wrap-cell-outputs]
[--line-numbers | --no-line-numbers]
[--autoformat | --no-autoformat]
[--autocomplete | --no-autocomplete]
[--autosuggest | --no-autosuggest]
[--autoinspect | --no-autoinspect] [--kernel-name str]
[--record-cell-timing | --no-record-cell-timing]
[--show-remote-inputs | --no-show-remote-inputs]
[--show-remote-outputs | --no-show-remote-outputs]
[--show-file-icons | --no-show-file-icons]
[--show-cell-borders | --no-show-cell-borders]
[--external-editor str]
[--save-widget-state | --no-save-widget-state]
[--max-notebook-width int] [--expand | --no-expand]
[--show-scroll-bar | --no-show-scroll-bar]
[--show-side-bar | --no-show-side-bar]
[--tab-mode {stack,tile_horizontally,tile_vertically}]
[--always-show-tab-bar | --no-always-show-tab-bar]
[--background-pattern {0,1,2,3,4,5}]
[--background-character str]
[--run-after-external-edit | --no-run-after-external-edit]
[--run | --no-run]
[--show-top-bar | --no-show-top-bar]
[UPath ...]
Positional Arguments
- <UPath> ...
List of file names to open
Optional Arguments
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- --version, -V
Show the version number and exit
- --clipboard {external,internal,terminal}
The preferred clipboard access method
- --log-file <str>
File path for logs
- --log-level {debug,info,warning,error,critical}
Set the log level
- --log-config <str>
Additional logging configuration
- --show-shadows, --no-show-shadows
Show or hide shadows under menus and dialogs
- --show-status-bar, --no-show-status-bar
Show the status bar
- --set-cursor-shape, --no-set-cursor-shape
Whether to set the shape of the cursor depending on the editing mode
- --cursor-blink, --no-cursor-blink
Whether to blink the cursor
- --edit-mode {micro,emacs,vi}
Key-binding mode for text editing
- --tab-size <int>
Spaces per indentation level
- --terminal-polling-interval <float>
Time between terminal colour queries
- --formatters <loads>
List of external code formatters
- --syntax-highlighting, --no-syntax-highlighting
Syntax highlighting
- --syntax-theme <str>
Syntax highlighting theme
- --color-depth {1,4,8,24}
The color depth to use
- --multiplexer-passthrough, --no-multiplexer-passthrough
Use passthrough from within terminal multiplexers
- --color-scheme {default,inverse,light,dark,black,white,custom}
The color scheme to use
- --custom-background-color <str>, --custom-bg-color <str>, --bg <str>
Background color for “Custom” color theme
- --custom-foreground-color <str>, --custom-fg-color <str>, --fg <str>
Foreground color for “Custom” color theme
- --accent-color <str>
Accent color to use in the app
- --key-bindings <loads>
Additional key binding definitions
- --graphics {none,sixel,kitty,iterm}
The preferred graphics protocol
- --force-graphics, --no-force-graphics
Force use of specified graphics protocol
- --enable-language-servers, --lsp, --no-enable-language-servers, --no-lsp
Enable language server support
- --language-servers <loads>
Language server configurations
- --wrap-cell-outputs, --no-wrap-cell-outputs
Wrap cell output text.
- --line-numbers, --no-line-numbers
Show or hide line numbers
- --autoformat, --no-autoformat
Automatically re-format code cells when run
- --autocomplete, --no-autocomplete
Provide completions suggestions automatically
- --autosuggest, --no-autosuggest
Provide line completion suggestions
- --autoinspect, --no-autoinspect
Display contextual help automatically
- --kernel-name <str>, --kernel <str>
The name of the kernel to start by default
- --record-cell-timing, --no-record-cell-timing
Should timing data be recorded in cell metadata.
- --show-remote-inputs, --no-show-remote-inputs
Display inputs sent to the kernel by other clients
- --show-remote-outputs, --no-show-remote-outputs
Display kernel outputs triggered by other clients
- --show-file-icons, --no-show-file-icons
Show file icons in the file manager
- --show-cell-borders, --no-show-cell-borders
Show or hide cell borders.
- --external-editor <str>
Set the external editor to use.
- --save-widget-state, --no-save-widget-state
Save a notebook’s widget state in the notebook metadata
- --max-notebook-width <int>
Maximum width of notebooks
- --expand, --no-expand
Use the full width to display notebooks
- --show-scroll-bar, --no-show-scroll-bar
Show the scroll bar
- --show-side-bar, --no-show-side-bar
Show the side-bar
- --tab-mode {stack,tile_horizontally,tile_vertically}
The method used to display multiple tabs
- --always-show-tab-bar, --no-always-show-tab-bar
Always show the tab bar
- --background-pattern {0,1,2,3,4,5}, --bg-pattern {0,1,2,3,4,5}
The background pattern to use
- --background-character <str>, --bg-char <str>
Character for background pattern
- --run-after-external-edit, --no-run-after-external-edit
Run cells after editing externally
- --run, --no-run
Run the notebook files when loaded
- --show-top-bar, --no-show-top-bar
Show the top bar
$ euporie-preview [-h] [--version]
[--clipboard {external,internal,terminal}]
[--log-file [str]]
[--log-level {debug,info,warning,error,critical}]
[--log-config str] [--show-shadows | --no-show-shadows]
[--show-status-bar | --no-show-status-bar]
[--set-cursor-shape | --no-set-cursor-shape]
[--cursor-blink | --no-cursor-blink]
[--edit-mode {micro,emacs,vi}] [--tab-size int]
[--terminal-polling-interval float]
[--formatters loads]
[--syntax-highlighting | --no-syntax-highlighting]
[--syntax-theme str] [--color-depth {1,4,8,24}]
[--multiplexer-passthrough | --no-multiplexer-passthrough]
[--color-scheme {default,inverse,light,dark,black,white,custom}]
[--custom-background-color str]
[--custom-foreground-color str] [--accent-color str]
[--key-bindings loads]
[--graphics {none,sixel,kitty,iterm}]
[--force-graphics | --no-force-graphics]
[--enable-language-servers | --lsp | --no-enable-language-servers | --no-lsp]
[--language-servers loads]
[--wrap-cell-outputs | --no-wrap-cell-outputs]
[--line-numbers | --no-line-numbers]
[--autoformat | --no-autoformat]
[--autocomplete | --no-autocomplete]
[--autosuggest | --no-autosuggest]
[--autoinspect | --no-autoinspect] [--kernel-name str]
[--record-cell-timing | --no-record-cell-timing]
[--show-remote-inputs | --no-show-remote-inputs]
[--show-remote-outputs | --no-show-remote-outputs]
[--show-cell-borders | --no-show-cell-borders]
[--external-editor str]
[--save-widget-state | --no-save-widget-state]
[--max-notebook-width int] [--expand | --no-expand]
[--run | --no-run] [--save | --no-save]
[--show-filenames | --no-show-filenames]
[--cell-start int] [--cell-stop int]
[--output-file [UPath]] [--page | --no-page]
[UPath ...]
Positional Arguments
- <UPath> ...
List of file names to open
Optional Arguments
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- --version, -V
Show the version number and exit
- --clipboard {external,internal,terminal}
The preferred clipboard access method
- --log-file <str>
File path for logs
- --log-level {debug,info,warning,error,critical}
Set the log level
- --log-config <str>
Additional logging configuration
- --show-shadows, --no-show-shadows
Show or hide shadows under menus and dialogs
- --show-status-bar, --no-show-status-bar
Show the status bar
- --set-cursor-shape, --no-set-cursor-shape
Whether to set the shape of the cursor depending on the editing mode
- --cursor-blink, --no-cursor-blink
Whether to blink the cursor
- --edit-mode {micro,emacs,vi}
Key-binding mode for text editing
- --tab-size <int>
Spaces per indentation level
- --terminal-polling-interval <float>
Time between terminal colour queries
- --formatters <loads>
List of external code formatters
- --syntax-highlighting, --no-syntax-highlighting
Syntax highlighting
- --syntax-theme <str>
Syntax highlighting theme
- --color-depth {1,4,8,24}
The color depth to use
- --multiplexer-passthrough, --no-multiplexer-passthrough
Use passthrough from within terminal multiplexers
- --color-scheme {default,inverse,light,dark,black,white,custom}
The color scheme to use
- --custom-background-color <str>, --custom-bg-color <str>, --bg <str>
Background color for “Custom” color theme
- --custom-foreground-color <str>, --custom-fg-color <str>, --fg <str>
Foreground color for “Custom” color theme
- --accent-color <str>
Accent color to use in the app
- --key-bindings <loads>
Additional key binding definitions
- --graphics {none,sixel,kitty,iterm}
The preferred graphics protocol
- --force-graphics, --no-force-graphics
Force use of specified graphics protocol
- --enable-language-servers, --lsp, --no-enable-language-servers, --no-lsp
Enable language server support
- --language-servers <loads>
Language server configurations
- --wrap-cell-outputs, --no-wrap-cell-outputs
Wrap cell output text.
- --line-numbers, --no-line-numbers
Show or hide line numbers
- --autoformat, --no-autoformat
Automatically re-format code cells when run
- --autocomplete, --no-autocomplete
Provide completions suggestions automatically
- --autosuggest, --no-autosuggest
Provide line completion suggestions
- --autoinspect, --no-autoinspect
Display contextual help automatically
- --kernel-name <str>, --kernel <str>
The name of the kernel to start by default
- --record-cell-timing, --no-record-cell-timing
Should timing data be recorded in cell metadata.
- --show-remote-inputs, --no-show-remote-inputs
Display inputs sent to the kernel by other clients
- --show-remote-outputs, --no-show-remote-outputs
Display kernel outputs triggered by other clients
- --show-cell-borders, --no-show-cell-borders
Show or hide cell borders.
- --external-editor <str>
Set the external editor to use.
- --save-widget-state, --no-save-widget-state
Save a notebook’s widget state in the notebook metadata
- --max-notebook-width <int>
Maximum width of notebooks
- --expand, --no-expand
Use the full width to display notebooks
- --run, --no-run
Run the notebook files when loaded
- --save, --no-save
Save the notebook after running it
- --show-filenames, --no-show-filenames
Show the notebook filenames when previewing multiple notebooks
- --cell-start <int>
The first cell to include in the preview
- --cell-stop <int>
The last cell to include in the preview
- --output-file <UPath>
Output path when previewing file
- --page, --no-page
Pass output to pager